Serenade de Toselli

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Ever since antiquity, music transcription has been the intrinsic way of visual representation of sound, sometimes in detail and sometimes in the form of a guide. Throughout time, the visual capture of music has been the only way to store and preserve it over time, but also the exclusive means of reproducing it. In any case, visual transfer should be considered as an auxiliary tool, since oral dissemination and storage in the memory of artists have been the most timeless techniques for the diffusion of music through time and space. During Europe's so-called "classical" musical period, with its most powerful centers of production, such as today's Austria, Germany, France and Italy, and especially in its path towards Romanticism, music transcription, that is, the musical score, was considered by some composers as the very embodiment of their work.

Understandably, in the modern capitalist world, music transcription, as the primary tool for the substantialization of music, brought under its purview repertoires that were not connected, were not disseminated, and did not function on the basis of their transcription. This offered to the music product sales centers an additional tool to expand their action network: non-scholar musics acquired a convenient way of circulating them, enhancing their popularity, even in places very far from those of their original creation. At the end of the 19th century, however, the phenomenon of sound recording and reproduction rearranged relationships and disrupted the status quo of publishing houses, claiming a share of the market, offering a product that was extremely complete and immediate. The publishing houses tried to react with legal measures, but it became impossible to stop the dynamics of the new phenomenon: the prevalence of commercial discography was now a fact, for most of the 20th century.

As far as non-scholar music is concerned, commercial printed musical scores were publications of the musical texts of songs or instrumental pieces (for the publishing activity in Greece see Lerch-Kalavrytinos, 2003: 4-5). For the needs of musical scores, the songs were arranged mainly (but not only) for piano or for piano and voice, generally without complex performance requirements. Multi-instrumental or technically demanding orchestrations were systematically avoided. The lyrics were printed below the notes of the melodic development of the singing parts and, sometimes, their translations into other languages. For the most part, the musical scores were two or four pages long, and came with a themed front and back cover.

This four-page musical score contains a trilingual adaptation with lyrics in Greek, French and Italian of the instrumental song "Serenata Op. 6" for violin and piano by the Italian composer and pianist Enrico Toselli (Florence 1883 - Florence 1926). It was first published in a musical score in 1901, in Florence, by the Edizioni Al Mondo Musicale publishing house. Later, several lyricists added lyrics. The Greek lyrics were written by Xenofon Asteriadis.

The black and white cover bears the title in French, the description "Célèbre" (Famous), the name of the composer, the three different editions of the work, with this one underlined ["Dia tragoudi kai piano" (For song and piano)], and the publisher. There is also a reference in French for the permission of the publication of the musical score by the French publishers Delrieu Frères Editeurs Propriétaires, Nice, to the Greek publisher.

The musical text (pages 2-4) consists of a system of three staffs (two for piano and one for singing) and is accompanied by lyrics in three languages (Greek, French, Italian).

For the recordings of the song in Greek discography, see here.

Research and text: Leonardos Kounadis and Nikos Ordoulidis

Author (Composer):
Lyrics by:
Greek lyrics: Αστεριάδης Ξενοφών Π.
French lyrics: D' Amor Pierre
Italian lyrics: Silvestri Alfredo
Publication location:
Greek - French - Italian
Opening lyrics:
Greek lyrics: Mes sti skoteinia pou i nycht' aplonei
French lyrics: Viens, le soir descend
Italian lyrics: Come un sogno d'or
Mousikos Ekdotikos Oikos Gaitanou, Stoa Arsakeiou 10, Athens
Publication code:
Μ. 161 Γ.
Original property rights:
Delrieu Freres Editeurs Propriétaires, Nice
For Greece: Edition Stefanos Gaitanos
Physical description:
Χαρτί, 32 x 24,1 εκ., 4 σελίδες, καλή κατάσταση
Kounadis Archive
Reference link:
Kounadis Archive, "Serenade de Toselli", 2019,
(Greek lyrics)
Μες στη σκοτεινιά που η νύχτ' απλώνει
της καρδιάς οι πόνοι
γλυκιά σ' εσέ βρίσκουν παρηγοριά

Πόθους μυστικούς γύρω μας σκορπούνε,
όλα μας μεθούνε
ξυπνούν μέσ' στην καρδιά κρυφούς παλμούς

Η ματιά σου σαν γελά
λες κι ο ουρανός μιλά. Αχ!
Έλα ν' ακούσεις πώς για σε η καρδιά κτυπά
γιατί σ' αγαπά
Έλα οι δυο μαζί σε μια πνοή
την ευτυχία να νιώσουμε μαζί,
Έλα να σου πω πως σ' αγαπώ.

Η μέρα αργοσβήνει,
στιγμές σκορπά η νύχτα ηδονικές
πολύ γλυκές

(Italian lyrics)
Come un sogno d'or
scolpito è nel core
Il ricordo ancor
di quell'amore che non esiste più!

Fu la sua vision
qual dolce sorriso
che più lieta fa
col suo brillar, la nostra gioventù

Ma fu molto breve in me
la dolcezza di quel ben
svanì quell bel sogno d'or
lasciando in me il dolor!

Cupo è l'avvenir
sempre più tristi i dì
la gioventù passata sarà
rimpianto mi resta sol,

Sì rimpianto amaro e duol' nel cuor!
Oh raggio di sole,
sul mio cammino ahimè,
non brilli più! Mai più, mai più!

(French lyrics)
Viens, le soir descend
Et l'heure est charmeuse
Viens, toi si frileuse
La nuit déjà comme un manteau s'étend.
Viens, tout est si doux,
si plein des promesses
On sent la caresse
Des mots d'amour qu'on écoute à genoux
Un sourire en tes grands yeux
Me révèle un coin des cieux
Reviens apaiser
Mon cœur battant à se briser.
Je t'aime à jamais
Sans crainte des regrets
Que le bonheur berce infiniment
Par son fol enchantement,
Le cher émoi de ton cœur aimant.

Le jour agonise,
L'heure est exquise,
Enivrons-nous d'amour
Toujours, toujours!

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Ever since antiquity, music transcription has been the intrinsic way of visual representation of sound, sometimes in detail and sometimes in the form of a guide. Throughout time, the visual capture of music has been the only way to store and preserve it over time, but also the exclusive means of reproducing it. In any case, visual transfer should be considered as an auxiliary tool, since oral dissemination and storage in the memory of artists have been the most timeless techniques for the diffusion of music through time and space. During Europe's so-called "classical" musical period, with its most powerful centers of production, such as today's Austria, Germany, France and Italy, and especially in its path towards Romanticism, music transcription, that is, the musical score, was considered by some composers as the very embodiment of their work.

Understandably, in the modern capitalist world, music transcription, as the primary tool for the substantialization of music, brought under its purview repertoires that were not connected, were not disseminated, and did not function on the basis of their transcription. This offered to the music product sales centers an additional tool to expand their action network: non-scholar musics acquired a convenient way of circulating them, enhancing their popularity, even in places very far from those of their original creation. At the end of the 19th century, however, the phenomenon of sound recording and reproduction rearranged relationships and disrupted the status quo of publishing houses, claiming a share of the market, offering a product that was extremely complete and immediate. The publishing houses tried to react with legal measures, but it became impossible to stop the dynamics of the new phenomenon: the prevalence of commercial discography was now a fact, for most of the 20th century.

As far as non-scholar music is concerned, commercial printed musical scores were publications of the musical texts of songs or instrumental pieces (for the publishing activity in Greece see Lerch-Kalavrytinos, 2003: 4-5). For the needs of musical scores, the songs were arranged mainly (but not only) for piano or for piano and voice, generally without complex performance requirements. Multi-instrumental or technically demanding orchestrations were systematically avoided. The lyrics were printed below the notes of the melodic development of the singing parts and, sometimes, their translations into other languages. For the most part, the musical scores were two or four pages long, and came with a themed front and back cover.

This four-page musical score contains a trilingual adaptation with lyrics in Greek, French and Italian of the instrumental song "Serenata Op. 6" for violin and piano by the Italian composer and pianist Enrico Toselli (Florence 1883 - Florence 1926). It was first published in a musical score in 1901, in Florence, by the Edizioni Al Mondo Musicale publishing house. Later, several lyricists added lyrics. The Greek lyrics were written by Xenofon Asteriadis.

The black and white cover bears the title in French, the description "Célèbre" (Famous), the name of the composer, the three different editions of the work, with this one underlined ["Dia tragoudi kai piano" (For song and piano)], and the publisher. There is also a reference in French for the permission of the publication of the musical score by the French publishers Delrieu Frères Editeurs Propriétaires, Nice, to the Greek publisher.

The musical text (pages 2-4) consists of a system of three staffs (two for piano and one for singing) and is accompanied by lyrics in three languages (Greek, French, Italian).

For the recordings of the song in Greek discography, see here.

Research and text: Leonardos Kounadis and Nikos Ordoulidis

Author (Composer):
Lyrics by:
Greek lyrics: Αστεριάδης Ξενοφών Π.
French lyrics: D' Amor Pierre
Italian lyrics: Silvestri Alfredo
Publication location:
Greek - French - Italian
Opening lyrics:
Greek lyrics: Mes sti skoteinia pou i nycht' aplonei
French lyrics: Viens, le soir descend
Italian lyrics: Come un sogno d'or
Mousikos Ekdotikos Oikos Gaitanou, Stoa Arsakeiou 10, Athens
Publication code:
Μ. 161 Γ.
Original property rights:
Delrieu Freres Editeurs Propriétaires, Nice
For Greece: Edition Stefanos Gaitanos
Physical description:
Χαρτί, 32 x 24,1 εκ., 4 σελίδες, καλή κατάσταση
Kounadis Archive
Reference link:
Kounadis Archive, "Serenade de Toselli", 2019,
(Greek lyrics)
Μες στη σκοτεινιά που η νύχτ' απλώνει
της καρδιάς οι πόνοι
γλυκιά σ' εσέ βρίσκουν παρηγοριά

Πόθους μυστικούς γύρω μας σκορπούνε,
όλα μας μεθούνε
ξυπνούν μέσ' στην καρδιά κρυφούς παλμούς

Η ματιά σου σαν γελά
λες κι ο ουρανός μιλά. Αχ!
Έλα ν' ακούσεις πώς για σε η καρδιά κτυπά
γιατί σ' αγαπά
Έλα οι δυο μαζί σε μια πνοή
την ευτυχία να νιώσουμε μαζί,
Έλα να σου πω πως σ' αγαπώ.

Η μέρα αργοσβήνει,
στιγμές σκορπά η νύχτα ηδονικές
πολύ γλυκές

(Italian lyrics)
Come un sogno d'or
scolpito è nel core
Il ricordo ancor
di quell'amore che non esiste più!

Fu la sua vision
qual dolce sorriso
che più lieta fa
col suo brillar, la nostra gioventù

Ma fu molto breve in me
la dolcezza di quel ben
svanì quell bel sogno d'or
lasciando in me il dolor!

Cupo è l'avvenir
sempre più tristi i dì
la gioventù passata sarà
rimpianto mi resta sol,

Sì rimpianto amaro e duol' nel cuor!
Oh raggio di sole,
sul mio cammino ahimè,
non brilli più! Mai più, mai più!

(French lyrics)
Viens, le soir descend
Et l'heure est charmeuse
Viens, toi si frileuse
La nuit déjà comme un manteau s'étend.
Viens, tout est si doux,
si plein des promesses
On sent la caresse
Des mots d'amour qu'on écoute à genoux
Un sourire en tes grands yeux
Me révèle un coin des cieux
Reviens apaiser
Mon cœur battant à se briser.
Je t'aime à jamais
Sans crainte des regrets
Que le bonheur berce infiniment
Par son fol enchantement,
Le cher émoi de ton cœur aimant.

Le jour agonise,
L'heure est exquise,
Enivrons-nous d'amour
Toujours, toujours!

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