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According to the database that emerged from Alan Kelly’s research, Vasilakis' Smyrnaiki Estudiantina (Smyrnaean Estudiantina) and Savaris (and not "Salavaris", as it is written on the label of the record) participated in the recording.
However, at 0:52'' of the recording, the exclamation "Hello, white-haired Salavari" is heard.
The sound engineer Arthur Clarke was responsible for the recording (for more information see
According to the database that emerged from Alan Kelly’s research, Vasilakis' Smyrnaiki Estudiantina (Smyrnaean Estudiantina) and Savaris (and not "Salavaris", as it is written on the label of the record) participated in the recording.
However, at 0:52'' of the recording, the exclamation "Hello, white-haired Salavari" is heard.
The sound engineer Arthur Clarke was responsible for the recording (for more information see