141 items | 1 of 9
78 rpm records 1922 (;), New York, [Xanthopoulos Timotheos]
78 rpm records 1922, Athens, [Adaptation:] Kalomoiris Manolis
Musical scores Athens, Karyotakis Th. D.
78 rpm records 1907-1908, Athens, Xanthopoulos Timotheos
78 rpm records 1922, Athens, Unknown
Musical scores Nea Smyrni, Athens 1949-50 Edition 1988, Athens, Kounadis Argyris P.
78 rpm records 1931, Athens, Rodios Dimitris
Musical scores Vienna, Austria, Georgacopoulo Giovanni
Musical scores [Not before 1910], Athens, Samaras Spyros
78 rpm records 1931, Athens, Xirellis Titos
78 rpm records 1906-1907, Athens, Xanthopoulos Timotheos
78 rpm records 07/1919, New York, Unknown
78 rpm records 1933, Athens, de Sarasate Pablo
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